UG Courses

B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

The fluid mechanics laboratory focus on the study of fluid behavior, forces and analysis tools are introduced. The goals of the laboratory includes applications of control volume approach, demonstration of momentum and energy equations etc. These studies will help students to exactly monitor and predict the water usage during distribution.
Soil Sciences Laboratory

Soil sciences laboratory covers the detailed approach on the soil and its characters. Major equipments are internal pipette system, Proctors compaction equipment, Sand pouring cylinder etc. This Laboratory will input the basic soil relationships with water and other factors. Major outcome of the laboratory is to understand the behavior of soil under different condition
Surveying & Levelling Laboratory

Surveying & Levelling Laboratory aims about the study of ground topography. The difference in levels between one land to other land. Contour study helps in setting out water resources for a irrigation land. Surveying laboratory clearly defines the nature of land forms and its profile. Advanced surveying equipments such as Total station promote the easiness in surveying
Tractors and Farm Engines Laboratory

Tractors and Farm Engines laboratory derives the importance and effect of modernization in agriculture, its spread has been in the most uneven manner. Transformation made from animal drawn tools to power drawn equipments. This laboratory provides the study on diesel engine, petrol engine, differential gearing system, clutch and steering system
Strength of Materials Laboratory

Strength of materials laboratory imparts the knowledge on the behavior and performance of materials to different type of loadings. The laboratory tests such as tension test, compression test, flexural test, hardness test, split tensile strength were performed. Under this laboratory student are able to find and analyze the response of materials under various conditions.

Computer aided design laboratory covers the drafting version of an agricultural engineer. Drafting is a technical version of drawing which an engineer understands and executes clearly. Under this laboratory, students were given practice in Computer software package CAD and personal ability in expressing their ideas are evaluated.
Post Harvest Technology Laboratory

Post harvest technology is an inter disciplinary approach which infuses science and technique that are applied to agricultural products after harvest for its protection, conservation, processing, packaging, distribution, marketing and utilization to meet the food and nutritional requirements of the people in relation to their needs.
Irrigation Field Laboratory

Irrigation field laboratory focuses on the practice of irrigation management. This lab is conducted on the farm. This laboratory will make the students to experience the real time which is out of the laboratory analysis. This laboratory clearly defines the water monitoring, pesticide and fertilizer dosages and thir causes on the products, weed removal and importance of natural fertilizers.
Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory

Remote sensing and GIS laboratory carries out studies on various aspects of geological applications, hydrology and water resource applications, environmental applications, urban & smart city planning using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Arc GIS, Map Info, ERDAS Imagine and ENVI are the commonly used software. The laboratory maintains large number of topographic maps and satellite imagery
Renewable Energy in Agricultural Engg. Laboratory

Renewable energy in AE laboratory spotlights the various forms of renewable energy such as biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar and wind power. The application of renewable energy in Agricultural field is the most reputed division among agricultural engineers. The laboratory provides a detailed study renewable energy and its applications.